Thursday, October 19, 2006

Question of the Day?

What is your favorite TV show?


Paully Mac said...

I am a huge fan of "24." Currently I am in withdrawl as I wait for season six to start in January.

Anonymous said...

7th Heaven is one of my favorites!

Greg said...

Gotta say, (and not just 'cause my boss says) that "24" rules. Also, Lost is a big fav.

Cindy said...

CSI fan, right here...

Daryl said...

while 24 is my true favorite, someone's gotta give a shout to "The Office"

Paully Mac said...

Which CSI do you watch Cindy?

Gil Klassen said...

CFL football and NHL hockey. fer sure

Anonymous said...

I think it would be 24 or Law&Order:SVU

Camper Sam said...


Anonymous said...

Corner Gas and One Tree Hill

Anonymous said...

corner gas definatly