Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Cloak & Dagger - John 3

Okay, what's up? Are we too intimidating, or are we really that enlightened? Please share your thoughts and comments! Anyways...

I can just picture it: an important religious figure crouching through the shadows to talk to a "rebellious" teacher. Thank goodness only a couple torches are lit, because this guy does NOT want to be spotted! That's how this chapter begins. Nicodemus had a lot to lose: Jesus was not a good guy for influential Jewish teachers to spend time with. But he just HAD to know more about what Jesus thought. So here he is.

"Born again" is a tag line that many Christians use to identify themselves: "I'm a born-again Christian." This is where this label gets it's origin: it's an illustration of the process we must go through to know God. Just like we're born physically, we must be reborn spiritually. In short, we must allow the Holy Spirit to change us from being like the world to being like God.

And then comes one of my favourite parts:
Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. (20, 21)
Here it is, in case you've ever wondered. Don't be surprised if people don't like the Christ you believe in or what he teaches. (This isn't a license to get people to hate you, but that's another topic.) When you are in the light and doing what God wants, it'll be as plain as day that you're acting through God's power. When you read John, remember this! You'll see those who do evil hating Jesus, but God is clearly working through Jesus. In fact, Jesus is God.

After this conversation, our pal John the Baptist has a little talk with his disciples about Jesus. (They're a little jealous about Jesus baptizing people like it's going out of style.) I'm always so amazed that John is so humble. Instead of even showing a little jealousy, he is happy for Jesus, and pretty much tells his disciples to follow Jesus. But that's definitely the right thing to do. After all,

"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him." (36)

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