Friday, October 06, 2006

Jesus is the life of the party

So what are your thoughts on Jesus' first? Not the sort of thing you would expect from a religious teacher.
Some of you may be confused by the placement of the overturning the tables incident at the beginning of John; the other gospels have this story right near the end. Some people speculate that Jesus must therefore have done this twice--John tells us of the first time and Matthew and company describe the second. I don' t think that this is the case. It doesn't appear as though chronological order is always the priority in 1st century story telling as it is with storytelling today. Jesus birth always shows up before his death, but everything else is up for grabs.
So why has John moved this incident to the beginning of his gospel? What do you think?
I can just imagine how awkward the disciple must have felt as they watched Jesus spill everyone's goods in the temple. Then, just when you think things can't get any worse, Jesus responds to the Jews' question by talking about their temple being destroyed. That would be like someone saying, "Destroy the Whitehouse and I will rebuild it in three days."
The Jews were likely saying to themselves, "First of all, how dare you even suggest that our temple be destroyed, and even if it was, there is no way that you or anyone else could rebuild it in three days."
Hangin' out with Jesus must have been really hard at times.

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