Thursday, May 11, 2006

Why Does God Hide Himself?

The following is a quote from Christianity for Modern Pagans by Peter Kreeft.
Bertrand Russell, on his deathbed, was visited by a friend who asked him, "You've been the world's most famous atheist most of your life, and now you're about to die. What if you were wrong? What would you say to God if you met him? Don't you think it's prudent at least to raise that question now, before it's too late?" Russell replied: "I think I should say to him: Sir, it appears that my atheistic hypothesis was erroneous. Would you mind answering me one wee little question? Why didn't you give us more evidence?"

This is a question that both believers and non-believers find themselves asking from time to time. Why doesn't God reveal himself more clearly? Why does He insist on hiding?
Any suggestion...


Anonymous said...

I don't think that God hides from us at all I think he is here in the open where everyone can see him. We will only know he is there if we believe that he is there; God doesnt reveal himself clearly because this way it involves having more trust and faith I think because we can't see him physically.

Anonymous said...

I think that the reason many people believe that God is hiding is because we live in a society where "seeing is believing". It is common for people to doubt the Lord because they have never seen him in human form. In reality, God shows Himself in everything he has created. In Genesis 1:27 it says that God created man in his own image, so as Christians it is important to let others see that image in the way we live our lives. I once heard a quote from Helen Keller that says "It is better to be visually impaired and see with your heart than to have perfect eyesight and yet see nothing". God is always showing himself everywhere we look, we just need to open our hearts and believe.

Anonymous said...

Well I think what kim said is totally true. God won't reveal himself clearly because it helps us to have lots of faith and trust.I also think that God reveals himself more in certain counties that have a lot more faith than the peaple in our country. When i was in Africa i experienced that first hand spending time with families that had absolutly nothing but they trusted and had faith in God and God did some crazy wonderful stuff through them.

Anonymous said...

God isn't hiding from anyone, He wants everyone to know Him. If you think He's hiding, keep searching (Matthew 7:7-8)

I like John 14 when Jesus is telling some dubious disciples (me at times) that He is the One, the ONLY Way to get to God. It's really reassuring to me that Jesus can say that so boldly. it leaves little room for me to doubt.

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Paully Mac said...

Some really good comments here. Most of us will agree that God could reveal himself more clearly than He does, but has chosen not to so that we might seek (as Lindsay says) and have faith (as Kim and David suggested). So why are these two elements so important to God--important enough that He would remain hidden from many?
One answer lies in Heb 11...

Anonymous said...

I agree with what others have been saying. God wants us to seek Him, seek and you will you find. We have to have faith in Him because we can not see Him physically. He isn't hiding, but not showing Himself cleary to us makes us trust Him even more.