Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Good... for you Part 2

Yeah, God never promised our lives would get better, but he did say that he'd be with us, to the very end of the age (thanks Nancy). (side note: Paul reminded me that this verse is actually refering to those who are discipling others in the name of Christ, not just people in general doing whatever they please) It's great to read your comments! I do feel bad for kinda misleading you a little: I side with Karissa, I don't really know what to "say" to anyone. So I guess when I asked what to say to someone who is grieving, I implied that we must say something.

Let me throw this out there: the verses in Part 1's comments are probably more effective when we live them. Just as God is with us, we need to be with those who are grieving. We need to be the helpers to the fatherless (of which there will be plenty this summer). And often, this will involve less talking and more listening.

Before my wife and I were dating, we worked together at camp the summer after my girlfried died. Whenever she saw me having a bad day, she always tracked me down and listened to me, cried with me, and said some kind, compassionate words. And if you know my wife, she hates crying. She's a great example for me. I too often feel like I need to say something when I actually need to just show love in a different way. Let's take these verses and apply them to our lives, speaking more through our actions first, and then words.


Paully Mac said...

I think Job's buddies had the right idea when they first went to visit him in his time of grief.
In Job 2:12-13 we find his friends weeping with him, tearing their robes, throwing dust on their heads, and finally sitting with him for seven days without saying a word. Unfortunately, in chapter 4 they do open their mouths only to make things worse.

Anonymous said...

Since kindergarten I was always told that the only reason we have 2 ears and one mouth is to listen more than speak. I agree it’s hard to think of something that would feel appropriate to say when someone is hurting and I think that Job is a perfect example of this. He lost everything and his friends came and just sat with him...they didn’t speak...they didn’t try to say something to make him feel better...they just sat! I know that will all the junk that happened this year, I absolutely enjoyed the times most when people just sat with me and cried with me! I am a firm believer that listening is way more important than speaking.

Sharaya said...

I think that when the kids come to camp this summer that we can and will be the best role models for them. We need to care for them and love them just as Jesus has told us to. When we show them we care for them and just love them despite what they do, then we can truly say that we have accomlished this command. I think that just being there for this kids is a big thing. They will feel a sense of safety and may share with us. That is when we need to continue to love them and listen fully to them. i heard that a phrase once, they won't care what you know until they know you care and that's true.

Anonymous said...

I know that God loves us a lot. There is sin in the world and so bad things are going to happen. I also know that God tests us (ie. when He gives Satan permission to give Job a very rough time) God won't give us anything we can't handle, because we have Him on our side and He can handle everything. I also know that God tests us and in James it says a reason:

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2-4

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone also; just being there for our campers and being good listeners is the best thing. It shows that we care about them and gives them a sense of safety so they can trust is. I always find it difficult to say the right things to people when they are going through a tough time. When Iam going through a tough time it feels so much better to just talk and have someone listen to me than for them to give me advice or whatever. Unless they ask you to talk just listen patiently.

Anonymous said...

Ya I would have to say the same thing that listening is the first thing we should do. the act of love gains trust with the person who is hurting. ive had this happen first hand when i was in calgary and i got to know those people better and i was able to help them in the tough times. if we all can learn to listen before we talk we can begin to make relationships with people and this summer camper.

Anonymous said...

Isn't there a bible verse that says something to the extent of how He joins us in our suffering, and He also cries when we are hurt? Or am I wrong?