Tuesday, May 23, 2006

To Watch Or Not To Watch: Decoding Da Vinci

As Christian what is an appropriate response to the hype surrounding The Da Vinci Code that hit theatres last weekend? It is a fictional story of secrets about the life of Jesus. The story told in the Bible is the fictional story that the church has lied about for centuries. Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection never happened. What actually happened (according to the story line in the movie) was that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had a child. Which category of response do you fall into (there are Christians that fall into each of these categories)? Or would prefer to add your own response?
1. Relax. It is a fictional work that doesn't claim to be true. Sit back and enjoy like you would any other movie.
2. Don't get to worked up. Yes, this movie is blasphemous...just like many other movie. This is just the world doing what it normally does--blaspheming its Creator. I am not sure whether I will bother seeing it or not. If I do decide to watch it, I definitely won't watch it this summer because I have agreed not to watch any movies while working at camp.
3. This movie is blasphemous and should be banned from theatres. Just give me a petition and I will sign it.


Anonymous said...

I actually read this book, and definately agree that it contains many ideas about the Bible that made me raise my eyebrows. I don't plan on watching the movie because I will not gain anything from it. However, the one positive thing I have noticed about the Da Vinci Code is it gets people talking. In a school such as mine religious matters are never ever discussed, but even people who don't go to church and read this book are asking questions and discussing with one another about the Bible. So I don't think the movie should be banned, I just wouldn't recommend watching it if you are easily influenced by media.

Anonymous said...

Well as far as my opinion of this movie i know that this isn't the first time the world has tried to blaspheme its creator. Still myself i won't be going to watch it because even if some people think it's ok because its false it may still be a spiritual hinderance and thats something i want to avoid.

Anonymous said...

I will see the movie. As a Christian, I've already been asked about all the hype surrounding the movie, and what I think about it, etc. People are going too see this movie and have questions. I think it would be good to see, because I've realized that Christians often go into discussions with their only point of view being the one they learnt in church. This isn't necessarily bad, but it's easier to discuss something (a religious issue) if you can understand both sides. That way you can also provide clear answers to the questions they are asking - especially if they deal specifically with the movie itself. And like Nancy said - you can use it to start the conversation instead of hiding from the issue. God's not limited to a box - He can still use the bad for Good.

Anonymous said...

Okay si I had a friend in high school who "did the Christian thing" for a while and there were too many holes. He became a Baha'i (sp?) this year. He came over to my house and was basically telling me about how good this was and that I should seriously consider it. (I'm not) but He knew exact answers to "counteract" what I would say and it was scary because I felt like I was losing htis battle.
I know that this movie is going to be shown and it is a way that people will be interested in Jesus' life (for the wrong reasons, but God works beyond our understanding)I think that we should have at least a small idea of what kind of questions/challenges we're going to encounter as a result of friends/family/classmates/etc seeing this movie. We need to know why we believe what we do.

Anonymous said...

P.S. I don;t want to have to go to the movie to find out what it's all about but there are a lot of Christian resources out there.... I found thisa one helpful:


Anonymous said...

I think i may go see this movie and i hope i can bring some of my non chirstian friend to see it. not to have then talk about how christians are wrong and such but to spark a conversation i have always wanted to talk about. and like what brooke said about christian only haveing one side of the story so i hope to learn about how the world sees christian philosophy (sp?)

Greg said...

I'm with Cody and the DVD thing. Waaay back when, I told my grade 9 music teacher that I hated country music, and she asked if I ever listened to it. I said no. She asked how I knew I hated it if I never listened to it. Good point. (Note: don't use this point for forming opinions on doing crack. It won't work!)

I will see it, and I won't feel bad for being entertained by it, but I most look forward to engaging in conversation with people about it. Through doing this, I believe God can sanctify this movie.

1 Peter 3:15
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..."

Sharaya said...

I think that everytime a movie or book or some sort of media comes out about Christ and His life chirstians get really defensive and take any opportunity to defend themselves. People make websites and there are all sorts of help books and we go crazy. I think we should take a movie like this for how it is. We should know the bible and where we stand and be set in our faith. This way when questions arise then we can answer with our faith and we will know what the correct answer is.