Thursday, May 04, 2006

Good... for you.

Romans 8:28
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

"People say the darndest things." That's a revision of the thought that went through my mind at my girlfriend's funeral waaay back in 1997. An elderly lady was just offering me her condolences: "That's too bad. But don't worry, you're young. There's plenty of fish in the sea!"

Yeah, as you may have guessed, that didn't make it all better. But wasn't she just illustrating Romans 8:28? What do I have to worry about? God will take care of me.

But at that time I wasn't thinking about fish, or any body of salty water. I was probably worried, thinking: "Why isn't God taking care of me? My world is falling apart."

So what do we tell hurting campers, and what do we tell ourselves when hard times come? Are there other Bible verses that are more helpful in this situation?


Anonymous said...

"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:20

This verse speaks alot to me in times of pain. First of all, it is a reminder that something like the loss of a loved one isn't God's form of punishment for something you have done. He loves us all, regardless of the situation, but often has different plans for our lives than what we think we want. We just have to trust His judgment and know that it will work out in the end if we continue to have faith in Him. Secondly, even though these were Jesus' words they also apply to anyone we have lost in our lives. God allows us to have so many wonderful memories with the people we love and those memories can last a lifetime. Physical death from the earth is definate, but the spirit of a person can last for a very long time.

Anonymous said...

When ive went through hard times i tell myself that God is testing me and i know that he won't test me beyond what im capable of. As for telling a camper this i would probably say that God will always be there even now, (Hard times)and that God knows what your going through and if we ask him to help then he will.(theres a bible verse that says this but i am away from my bible and i don't remember where it is found)

Anonymous said...

14 But you, O God, do see trouble and grief; you consider it to take it in hand.The victim commits himself to you; you are the helper of the fatherless. -psalm 10:14

I believe this tells of how God will help those that are in need and gives hope to those going through hard times.

Anonymous said...

Right now my family and i guess me too are going through some hard stuff...i can't help but thinking of Job and he went through really really hard stuff...and made it the end..i know God will reward us for standing strong in the end.
I don't think a person can say really though weather it is a trial that God has aloud to happen to you or if it's a person's fault that something is happening. Like some kind of sin will directly affect what is happening but not all...the bible is full of examles of both.
SO what to say to a camper is hard to decide, becuase i know for my self it's hard to decide. I heard once a saying :We are in the middle of a great spiritual battle, your lively to get caught in the cross fire...when you is like the bad timies...or some 'good person' getting cancer or something

Anonymous said...

I agree with Nancy, Matthew 28:20 is a good verse, It reminds us that God is always there for you even through the toughest of times. I would remind my camper(s) to keep praying even when they feel distant from God and that he is always there and will never leave them. I would also pray with them about whatever they are going through and give them a chance to talk to me if they need to. I remember when I was going through some tough times I read my bible and prayed a lot and when I went to God with my problems or whatever I could feel God lift my problems off my shoulders and I knew he was there. When I am going through the toughest times I can tell my relationship with God strengthens.