Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Jesus felt alone too!

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
I was reading through the book of Psalms this morning when I came across this verse. You may recognize it from Jesus’ death; these are the words he spoke before he died. I wondered why Jesus chose to quote this verse instead of say something new to God.

So I kept reading the Psalm (you can read it here if you’d like) and saw the similarities between what Jesus went through and what King David, the Psalm’s writer, were going through: “O my God, I cry by day, but you do not answer, and by night, but I find no rest... all who see me mock me...” and on and on it goes.

Jesus really suffered. Not just physical pain, but a far greater pain: a broken relationship. When Jesus died, all the sins of the world were poured out on him. God the Father can’t be around sin, or shall I say, sin can’t be around him, so he had to turn his back on the world’s greatest sinner, Jesus. Ouch. God didn’t answer Jesus’ prayer and Jesus suffered as a result.

Let me cut to the chase: do you feel abandoned by God because he isn't answering your prayers? Do you know someone who is in great pain and feels like God is distant? Call out to God. He never promised a painless life, but he did promise that he’d never leave us or forsake us. He probably won’t answer your prayer the way you want it answered, but he does work out everything for the good of those who love him. He will carry you through the most difficult times of your life.

If you need prayer for anything, throw your request in the comments or send me an email: greg AT rlbc DOT ca

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