Tuesday, January 08, 2008

That's why we pray

I scheduled a meeting with a friend yesterday to help me buy something. After waiting 30 minutes, I figured that he'd forgotten our meeting. Doesn't it stink when that happens? With driving time, I took an hour out of my schedule for this, and rescheduling means I have to lose another hour of my time. Frustrating.

While I was busy feeling sorry for myself, I had an inkling to pray about it. "Pray? About something so small, so insignificant?" I thought. "I don't need to bug God about this kind of stuff. I can just reschedule and meet him tomorrow."

Immediately, I was reminded of this truth:
Cast your cares on the LORD
and he will sustain you;
he will never let the righteous fall.
-Psalm 55:22

God wants to know what's on our mind. Whatever - that's right, whatever - is on our minds. I know, I know: he knows what we're thinking already, right? But if we don't pray about it, we don't release it into his hands. In other words, I wasn't giving God the opportunity to work by asking for His help.

I prayed, "God, I know this is silly. I can come back tomorrow. But I'd really like to get this done now, so could you please send someone else to help me?"

3 minutes later, my buddy Jay shows up asking, "What are you doing here?" Incidentally, I knew exactly what he was doing here...

1 comment:

Candace said...

That's a great reminder. It's so easy to think that those small things are not important enough to pray over.