Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Pregnant Wife Quote of the Week

Jessica: "Greg, pass me that box of chocolate bars."


Anonymous said...

Now is that assorted chocolate bars, or just one kind in particular?... cause if it one of those boxes that have all those different kinds of "Hershey" bars, then you may have more shopping and searching to do to keep up with the massive cravings!!

Anonymous said...

It's one of those Hallowe'en boxes of assorted Nestle bars. Have you seen those things? They're called "treat size". The Aeros are so small! One of those little Aero bars is like half a bite of a real Aero bar! So, I don't really see why Greg has to make so much fun of me...

Plus, I can easily polish off two full-size Kit Kat Chunky even when I'm not pregnant, so I don't know why Greg thinks it's so funny...but he does.