Monday, August 27, 2007


So many good memories of camp this summer; what's YOUR favourite camp moment of this summer?


Greg said...

We were playing Cabin Leader Bingo during Squirt camp, and I spotted a peculiarly placed 5 gallon pail on the volleyball court. 3 confused campers heard one of the Cabin Leader's calls, but they couldn't find him. One of the kids stepped onto a pile of sand next to the pail to get a better vantage point, and that was the ONLY group of kids to find Josh Espenant - buried in the volleyball court, head under the pail.

Scott Wood. said...

One of my favorite memories was Brooklyn Bounce. That was a blast and a half. Also, doing actions for the songs was amazing, as well as playing drums for Int. 1.

Anonymous said...

Haha Greg! That sounds so funny!!
I am not even sure my favourite moment, probably because there were so many. I would have to say playing cities and knights!! haha fun times!

Anonymous said...

haha well this summer was sooo AWESOME, and i had many many many sweet that night in cabin b: body surfing, mission impossible, etc, LITing with crystal sanderson for Int 1 & Squirt: we had a lot of crazy times, LITing in Int 1 was pretty cool too, chapel was awesome too, i love all the skits, and stuff the leaders say is just awesome. haha sorry for the long post.

Anonymous said...

well i would have to say i had a great summer but i think 1 thing that has gave me such a nam ewas breaking the action though ti woulda got away from it at school but every one knows about it and the bug me more than you guys did:P

Anonymous said...

Kassie, don't feel too bad. One year Greg broke the diving board! He still hasn't lived that down... Ha ha! (He's probably going to delete my post too...)