Wednesday, December 13, 2006

"Picking Fights" John 8 - Part 1

One of the side effects of teaching big groups is offending some people in that group. Jesus is waaaay past that by this chapter. Now the Pharisees start intensely trying to make him slip up by putting him in difficult situations. Jesus' reacts by saying "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." Man, Jesus sure is a wise and patient man.

The following part gets a little confusing. The Pharisees are really trying to make Jesus say something stupid so the crowds will figure out that he's just a crazy, demon-possessed guy. He says some awesome things, like that he is the light of the world... SO true. Wherever Jesus is, even today, "darkness" is not and "light" (spiritual light) is.

One thing I've noticed when I've been involved or watching an argument is that I usually don't really like the person who wins the argument, even if they are right. I always seem to cheer for the little guy, you know what I mean? Even after Jesus finishes defending himself beautifully, and likely humiliating the Pharisees once again, the people still like him. Maybe in their minds, Jesus was the underdog who was standing up "to the man." Whatever the case may be, many people put their faith in him!

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