Monday, September 18, 2006

The Camp Cold

"Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness." Hebrew 12:10
As many of my friends know, I've had this annoying camp cold for a looong time. Since the last week of camp, actually. It's a sinus infection that the doctors (seen them 4 times) can't cure: they're sending me to a specialist. I gotta admit, sometimes it feels like God's punishing me.

This time of year reminds me of Sept. 11th, 2001. "The day the world changed." (Well, it did for America, at least.) What struck me is that in the weeks and months after the attacks on the Twin Towers, some popular Christian speakers/pastors said that this was God punishing America for turning away from him. Some even went into specifics (allowing abortion, promoting homosexuality, and all those other controversial sins).

So what do you think? How does God discipline people? Is it possible that God sent this cold to punish me?


Anonymous said...

Well, I can't say the whole Twin Towers deal was caused by the wrath of God. I would almost hate to blame him for that sort of thing. But I do think that perhaps God did not exactly try to stop it, as maybe they brought it on themselves. It is hard to say. (but that is a whole different discussion) But, I do think that sometimes, hinderances in our lives (such as the cold), may perhaps be a result of our sin. Often times there are things that are not right in our lives. In relationships, in attitudes, in past situations that we have not fully delt with...etc. And sometimeswhen we are hindered, I think we should stop and ask ourselves "why?". Personally, I find that when I refuse to deal with things in my life that I know are not right, the more I become irritable, frustrated and hindered (physically, emotionally, spiritually). I think the more stuff that is not right in our lives, the further it takes us from God, and the "Holy" life in which Christ has called of us. Maybe he didn't exactly cause this cold, but maybe he is using it as a way to get you to depend on him, and rely on HIS strength. And perhaps reveal something about yourself that you have resisted in allowing God to change. Or, just to get your attention. I don't's just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Well the wrath of god is to be scared of and i beleave strongly that god could have done that to punish Amarica but the thing about that is it wasnt only that city,state,or country. its pretty well the world canada amarica the same what i think we have to look at is why god is doing this now when some famous speakers are now saying world war 3 is soon ariving if not already started and that this is the time to turn even more faithfully to god and i agree that it is probably getting to the point of the rappture but i also beleave that god is trying to just tell us something different i think that the world needs to change its way and starting a war *cough* BUSH *cough* is the apsolute worst thing that happened and about your cold sorry to hear your not feeling well and when you feel god is punishing you well look on the bright side once you get through it you may be closer to god and closer to those pearly gates your looking for! thanks