Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Website Update

I've updated our website,, to reflect our summer camp dates. Check it out!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

God Is Always

Hi! Well things are really busy but I am loving what I am doing. God has really been showing himself to me and filling my cup. The last couple of years I have been pouring out and it is nice to get centred with God again. I love my church it is awesome; every service i walk away amazed, full of joy and tears. The presence of God is definitely in that place and the only place I've felt the same was at camp.

After every service people go up to the front and the pastors pray for them as the rest of the congregation is worshiping. It is so intense: last week we had one adult and five youth come to Christ. I have never felt that at a church before. and every one wants to get to know me.

This week the pastor talked on Malachi 3:10 "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."

Tanya (top right) and her wrangler team

Pouring out, God is always pouring and all we have to do is put our cup under it until its full. But we often only let him fill us half way and then say thats enough, or we pour it out as soon as we get the cup full. Or we hold our cup upside down not getting any in the cup. We need to let God fill us to the top so we can pour it out into others. We need to fill our cups so we can fill others in our schools, workplaces, on the street. if we have our cup half full it drains quickly and we have nothing left for ourselves. We must continue filling it: in the Word, in prayer.

Let God fill you to the top and overflow. Pour into people and let others pour into you. Let God Do It, don't hold him back.

May God Bless Your Socks Off!
Tanya Klippenstine

Tanya was our Riding Director last summer and is currently working at her dream job: training horses full-time

Friday, January 25, 2008

Time to apply!

I updated our staff applications to reflect the 2008 camp dates. Take a look, clear your schedule, and start applying! Coming soon: camper registration (with one suprise!)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

LIT Retreat

Ranger Lake Bible Camp and Camp Kadesh are teaming up to bring you the best times and best training of any LIT retreat. Come find out what it takes to be part of the Ranger staff team, try ice-climbing, soak in the hot tubs, eat some delicious camp food, and have tons of fun!
If you're in grades 8-10, download the application for more information!

Basement Reno's

Our Site Manager's house is in desperate need of an overhaul, so we kicked off the renovations by gutting the basement! Here's a video of the event:

link disclaimer: RLBC is not associated/affiliated with any content on YouTube other than its own.
If you want to help rebuild what we destroyed, drop us a line in the comments.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

That's why we pray

I scheduled a meeting with a friend yesterday to help me buy something. After waiting 30 minutes, I figured that he'd forgotten our meeting. Doesn't it stink when that happens? With driving time, I took an hour out of my schedule for this, and rescheduling means I have to lose another hour of my time. Frustrating.

While I was busy feeling sorry for myself, I had an inkling to pray about it. "Pray? About something so small, so insignificant?" I thought. "I don't need to bug God about this kind of stuff. I can just reschedule and meet him tomorrow."

Immediately, I was reminded of this truth:
Cast your cares on the LORD
and he will sustain you;
he will never let the righteous fall.
-Psalm 55:22

God wants to know what's on our mind. Whatever - that's right, whatever - is on our minds. I know, I know: he knows what we're thinking already, right? But if we don't pray about it, we don't release it into his hands. In other words, I wasn't giving God the opportunity to work by asking for His help.

I prayed, "God, I know this is silly. I can come back tomorrow. But I'd really like to get this done now, so could you please send someone else to help me?"

3 minutes later, my buddy Jay shows up asking, "What are you doing here?" Incidentally, I knew exactly what he was doing here...

Thursday, January 03, 2008

All I Ate For Christmas

I love food. A lot. But make me choose my favourite Christmas meal? Hmm... that's not easy...